Pimples, zits, and acne in general are very hard to get rid of. For some, acne will come and go, but for most people, acne is here to stay. There are creams and specialized medication you can use for your acne but I highly recommend trying a natural approach to remove your pimples and acne. Here you'll learn of 3 great ways how to get rid of acne fast.
1. Remove dirt and clogged pores in the morning
When you wake up, wash your face with a face scrub. Be sure to use one that uses beads, these beads are effective in removing dirt and clogged pores all over your face. Now it is called a face scrub for a reason, to scrub your face with it. Some people never scrub their faces properly so they don't completely cleanse their faces. It's important to really scrub your face with these face scrubs, they're meant to be scrubbed hard.
2. Relieve inflammation and reduce redness
Your acne and pimples are your skins response to inflammation, the best way to relieve stress around your pimples is to use a chilled green tea bag over them. Green tea bags have caffeine and other natural substances to quickly reduce swelling, redness, and overall appearance of your pimples. It's best to use this for about 20 minutes each day. Use a green tea bag and chill it in the fridge, then take it out and lay down and put a bag around the pimples you want to get rid of. If you've been wondering how to get rid of acne fast, using green tea bags is the solution you've been striving for.
3. Moisturize and rejuvenate your face
A big reason you get acne and pimples is because your face is thirsty. Even dry faces get acne, it's recommended to moisturize at least once per day, preferably at night. Here's the best way to do this. Take some aloe vera gel and drop some jojoba oil on it, mix it well and then lightly dab some of it to your acne every night before sleeping. This not only hydrates your skin, but there are other healing properties associated with jojoba oil and aloe vera, it'll make you think it's a miracle.
Remember to stay determined, these methods will not cure acne in one day. I recommend you do this at least 3 times per week to keep and maintain a healthy and clean complexion.
Did you know that acne is mainly caused by 3 key factors that can be controlled? Find out how to get rid of acne fast and become Acne Free In 3 Days!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ernie_Mata