There are 4 kinds of obvious symptoms that are linked to acne, all of them are visible, and by the end of this article, you will be able to see if you have acne and exactly what each of the 4 symptoms look like. Without even having to visit a doctor or dermatologist! So get reading, the 4 symptoms i was talking about are;
These are tiny, dark colored pores; the black color is not from dirt, as it is commonly believed but instead from the skin pigment when it opens and the pore is oxidized. These are the most common sign of acne and are most common in oily skin; read this article to see how to get rid of them;
Whiteheads are very similar to blackheads except it is white, mainly because the pore is closed and so therefore the pore can not oxidize. You should not try to pop Whiteheads, as it will just break the skin. Want to get rid of whiteheads?
These are puss-filled spots, you can tell it's a pustule as it will form a 'balloon' or 'volcano' like shape filled with white/yellow puss and usually a yellow 'head' will form as the spot begins to heal.
These can be very painful, burrowing deep down into the skin and often cause scars, they are also usually found in the form of large lumps and are the commonest symptom of severe acne, often running together in groups.
For more information about acne, including Help, Support and Treatment/Medication advice you can REALLY trust, visit Acne101, for everything acne.
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