Anyone who suffers from acne can likely tell you that the store bought acne medicines are quite harsh, and in many cases can lead to more problems. Chemical based compounds, which are rubbed on the skin, and alcohol based face washes can cause irritation. This can lead to an increase in acne; instead of the clearer skin that the sufferer was hoping for.
Even when, those harsh store-bought, cleansing products do produce the desired results, the solution is only topical, and it does not get to the root of the problem. The acne will come back, and continued use of the product that worked before will not always have the same effects. Different methods are required if you want to get to the heart of the teenage acne problem.
The simple fact of the matter is that with close to 85% of teens suffering from acne, there is a real need for natural teenage acne remedies. There is also a need for information on what can be done to reduce acne for teens who suffer from severe cases.
Luckily there are answers. Simple changes in, diet, lifestyle, and natural skin care products can go a long way in reducing and even curing teenage acne problems. These all-natural methods are curative measures. They will have lasting effect, and in some cases even cure teenage acne completely.
If you or someone you know suffers from teenage acne, here are five east, natural, teenage acne remedies:
Dietary Changes - Foods to Avoid
The first thing you can do to help begin your natural treatment is to change what you eat. Food does not cause acne. However, the wrong foods can greatly aggravate the problem. A recent study concluded that a diet that is high in carbohydrates can negatively affect acne sufferers, and in some cases even trigger certain types of acne. Natural carbohydrates are okay. But refined carbs, such as those found in processed (white) flour, can take a small acne problem and turn it into a much larger issue.
Other foods that should be avoided include sugary foods; acne reduces your skins glucose tolerance, and too much processed sugar, increases your blood sugar level. Greasy foods that are high in trans-fat can also be a problem. Finally, try to decrease your dairy consumption as the hormones, and fats, in dairy products worsen an acne problem (and yes there are hormones in milk).
Vitamins As a Natural Acne Remedy
Along with foods to avoid, there are also foods that you should add to your diet. More specifically, foods that include certain vitamins and minerals can help to cure teenage acne.
Here are the five main vitamins that will help, and foods that contain then:
- Vitamin A is important to the health of your skin, and for reducing sebum production (the compound responsible for clogging your pores). Carrots, broccoli, spinach and kale are examples of foods for this vitamin.
- Vitamin B5 is responsible for producing enzymes that help to metabolize skin oils. Corn, strawberries, and sunflower seeds are just some of the foods that include this vitamin.
- Vitamin B6 is partially responsible for hormone balance in your body. Since a hormonal imbalance is often part of the cause of acne, vitamin B6 is an important part of curing teenage acne problems. Meat, poultry and fish all contain vitamin B6.
- Vitamin C enhances your immune system and is important for the health of your skin. Citrus fruits, green peppers, broccoli, and mango are all high in vitamin C.
- Zinc is important to healing from an acne problem. Some foods that contain zinc include red meats, poultry, and oysters.
Lower Stress Levels
When you are stressed out your body's hormones become imbalanced. This can both be a precursor to acne, and make it worse if you already have it. If you lifestyle includes high levels of stress, exercise, relaxation techniques, and a healthy diet are all important elements of reducing stress.
The Power of Sunlight
Vitamin D is another important part of reducing an acne problem. When you get out in the sun, your body produces more of this vitamin. Getting outdoors and getting some sunlight is one more element to reducing teenage acne.
Natural Facial Cleansers
The last part to curing your teenage acne, for good, is to throw away those harsh alcohol based cleansers. Not only do these products often give poor results, they can also strip your skin of the oils that it needs to unclog your pores. This can lead to even more problems with acne.
There are better facial cleansers out there, such as our own natural teenage acne remedy These types of products are easier on your skin, and provide a natural skin care solution, and not just a quick fix.
For those that suffer from acne, finding a solution can be difficult. You now have five all natural methods to begin working towards a cure for teenage acne problems.
About The Author
Johanna Curtis is a licensed skin care professional (esthetician). She works with parents and teens in their struggles with teenage acne. She is also the creator of ; a community-based site, created to support those with acne problems. Johanna suggests the non-damaging topical treatment, Acnezine, as one the best natural teenage acne remedies
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