Saturday, 10 May 2008

Acne Treatments: Ineffectiveness or Impatience?

Acne treatments generate billions of dollars every year. People flit from acne treatment to acne treatment in search of something, anything, that might work. I used to be one of those people until I realized that trying a different acne treatment every week doesn’t help combat acne. There are many reasons why an acne treatment, an acne product, or an acne program may seem ineffective, but the truth is, it may not work due to the user’s impatience. An acne treatment comes with instructions for very good reasons. When someone uses an acne treatment more than the product calls for, they may irritate the skin and, as a result, cause more acne to develop. On the flipside, when an acne treatment is not used as often as suggested, it lowers the effectiveness of the medication as well.

So, if you have tried one acne treatment after another, be patient. A legit acne treatment will probably take at least 2 to 3 weeks before you see some type of results. The key to getting the most out of your acne treatment is to use it just enough, don’t overuse it, and give it time- don’t mistake a product’s ineffectiveness with your impatience.