Facial washes, lasers, and antibiotics can quickly get rid of acne, but what usually happens within two weeks of finishing these treatments?
You look in the mirror and acne starts popping up all over again. You see, the problem with most of these treatments is that they merely treat the symptoms of acne and ignore the the real cause at the inflammatory core. And that is why you never seem to be able to get any long-lasting results when it comes to getting rid of acne.
So if dermatologists, fancy advertisements, and drugs doesn't have the answer a long-lasting solution to clear skin, what is the real secret that permanently gets rid of acne?
Surprisingly, it turns out that the most powerful clear skin secret has been brushed off by as a "myth" by the mainstream medical establishment. And people who praise this "myth" as the real cure to get rid of acne have been laughed upon as frauds and quacks.
But now this myth is slowly becoming more and more recognized to be the solution to all your acne problems. And this so-called myth is diet. It turns out that the most powerful clear skin secret is the foods that you put into your mouth!
Hard to believe, I know. After all, we have all been told over and over again by the health "authorities" that acne is the result of poor genetics, dirt and clogged pores. But as you continue to read, you will discover that the biggest factor in getting rid of acne is in the nutrients you eat, not by genetics and clogged pores alone.
Lets look at a group of people who are traditionally known to have genetically clear skin - the Japanese. A 1964 study from the University of Tokyo has found that serious acne was much more common with the Americans than with the Japanese.
In fact, the entire Japanese island of Okinawa before the 1970s had completely clear skin without a single case of acne ever reported! And remember - this was the time before the Japanese had the "luxury" of swallowing prescription drugs and drying out their skin with harsh facial washes.
To the untrained eye, looking at the Japanese and their ultra-clear skin makes it seem as if clear skin can be completely explained by genetics alone...
But is that really the whole story?
Now fast forward 35+ years later to the year 2008. Fast foods restaurant like McDonald's have replaced sushi restaurants and high sugar sodas like Coca Cola have replaced healthy green teas.
Here is the interesting part - as a result of this diet change of the Japanese over the years, recent studies reveal that the acne rate for the Japanese people suddenly skyrocketed to extremely high rates - similar to those in Western nations!
Keep in mind that these are the exact same Japanese people with the exact same genetics. The only difference is that their traditional acne-free diet got mixed in with unhealthy Western fast foods and drinks.
If genetics were the biggest factor for clear skin why did the acne skin disease rate dramatically increase for the Japanese after the introduction of Western foods?
And this isn't an isolated case. If you look at the Eskimos and Inuit of Northern Canada, the exact same thing happened. Once their nutrition changed and their diets shifted from a traditional healthy diet to an unhealthy Western diet, acne rates also skyrocketed.
Dr. Otto Shaefer, a medical doctor who studied the Inuit tribe of Northern Canada for 30 years and noting the dramatic changes in their complexion after the introduction of Western foods into their diets stated, "Another condition has become prevalent, one obvious even to the laymen: acne vulgaris."
And Elmer Bendiner, medical journalist stated in the journal Hospital Practice after the Eskimos combined Western foods into their traditional diets, "Acne vulgaris now scars the hitherto renowned complexions of the Eskimo and the evidence leaps at once from even the most casual glance at the faces of the youngster who seem to be constantly nibbling at candy bars or drinking soda pop out of a can."
Before the introduction of unhealthy western foods and drinks to these groups of people, acne was virtually non-existent. And all this was possible without the standard acne treatments you see today.
Sure there is small percentage of the population who will always acne no matter what they do, and these people should go see a dermatologist and take prescription drugs. But as for the 90% of us, improving our diet and lifestyle alone is extremely effective at getting rid of acne.
As you can clearly see from these groups of people, it is the drastic changes in their diets that has created the acne epidemic. So you see, standard acne treatments like prescription drugs, facial washes, etc. are all obsolete at getting rid of acne when you compare it to eating a healthy balanced diet.
Of course eating a healthy, anti-acne diet is hard to maintain every single day. So be sure to get a high quality supplement that has optimal amounts of key anti-acne nutrients to give yourself an extra layer of protection. Combine supplementation with a good diet and you're sure to have acne-free skin in the long run.
Diet and acne is key to your success with acne. To find out more information on which powerful anti-acne nutrients can help permanently get rid of your acne, please visit: http://www.ClearSkinSecret.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brad_Thomas