1. The Stuff of Acne
What is acne?
Acne is a generic term that is used to describe pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, and cysts.
What causes acne?
The most common forms of acne are believed to be caused by clogged skin pores. Some swear that certain foods can cause outbreaks. If you've searched the web you've likely found much conflicting information, my advice to you is to read it all and use the information to safely guide yourself through some personal lifestyle experiments. Change your diet for a few weeks, exercise or jump in a sauna every other day for a while. There is no acne panacea and everyone is unique - so the remedy that works for you will likely be unique as well. Experiment, be patient and beware of salesman.
2. Tips for Getting Rid of Acne
The following are just tips - nothing more. Look them over, try some out and stick with what works for you. When it comes to acne, personal experience is the best teacher. Please share yours by submitting a tip through the form at the bottom of this page.
How to get rid of pimples
* If you must pop a pimple yourself, apply a hot, wet compress until it becomes a whitehead, sterilize a needle in flame or alcohol and then carefully lance it. Squeeze it gently to drain and wash both your hands and the area of the pimple afterwards.
* Try changing your bath soap - many people have reported success with Ivory's "Sensitive Skin" product.
* Switch to a makeup that is not oil based. The oils can irritate your skin and clog your pores.
* Wash makeup off every night before retiring.
* Is it your birth-control pill? If you think so then ask you doctor about switching to another kind.
* Vary your exposure to sunlight - don't get much? Get some more. Get too much? Try keeping to the shade. Experiment with sunblock.
* Increase your water consumption - water. I repeat; W-A-T-E-R ;). This will help your body flush itself of toxins.
* Steam your face over hot water, under a hot, wet towel, or in a sauna to open your pores and flush them out. Wash your face afterwards.
* If you wash too much, your body my try and adapt by producing more oil - keep it at 1-2 gentle cleanses per day.
* Could it be stress? Try getting more sleep, or jogging.
* Mix a couple of tablespoons of baking soda with a few drops of water and apply it to the blemish nightly until it goes away.
* Many people swear that applying a dab of toothpaste works, many others swear that it does not.
How to get rid of whiteheads
* If you're set on popping your whiteheads, do so with a sterile needle and wash the area well before and after. Avoid squeezing too hard - if the pimple is divided into multiple clusters then you could burst it internally and cause a larger outbreak! Wash your face and hands afterwards.
How to get rid of blackheads
* Blackheads can be gently squeezed to remove blockage. Geeeently. Wash your face and hands afterwards.
* For more percise information for getting rid of blackheads, see our article: "How to Get Rid of Blackheads"
How to get rid of cysts
* Try reducing sugars and fats in your diet.
* If you have cysts that are deep under the skin, see your doctor.
Acne treatments have become a billion dollar industry. There are hundreds of different products on the market. Of these, the most popular one is Proactiv. While it does offer results, people have reported that their acne returns worse if they stop using it. If you have personal experience with a particular product feel free to submit it for the benefit of others using the form at the bottom of the page.
3. Offsite resources
* Home Remedies for Acne
* Acne at Wikipedia - More information about the physiology of acne or medicinal treatments.
* Google Groups (Discuss acne and search past discussions for info)
- Rosacea - Acne Rosacea information
- alt.skincare.acne - General acne information
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Maiko_Romero |