Thursday, 22 May 2008

5 Herbal Treatments For Acne

Acne affects millions of people all over the world, and for a sufferer there must seem like there's millions of products to pick from. But many of the over the counter that treat acne contain harmful chemicals, which might damage the skin and also may be only a temporary remedy. People these days are now aware of the hazards that chemicals can cause, and the smart people are now looking for natural and herbal remedies to treat their acne.

Natural herbal treatments can be in the form of lotions, creams, home-made products or even herbal formulations. Down below there is a list of some of the better ingredients which can be used to treat acne.

Echinacea and tea tree oil are the very common natural herbal extracts that are known for treating acne and are available widely. Echinacea and Oregon grape can help in improving the immune system of the body. While tea tree oil contains terpenoids, which is known for its antifungal and antiseptic property.

Green tea is used to fight bacteria lowering the hormone activity, allowing acne to be controlled. Almond oil is also very useful in removing acne scars which can be just as bad as acne it self.

Apricots and citrus juices decrease the presence of cysts while acting as a very natural exfoliate, this gets read of dead skin cells making the pores from pollutants that caused clogs.

Distilled white vinegar can be used as a topical solution on the problem area to cleanse the pores. The use of honey masks help the healing process of the skin affected by the acne due to its anti bacterial quality.

Green tea, chamomile and oatmeal are excellent herbs for treating inflammation due to its anti inflammatory properties. It helps to soothe the affected part and aids in the release of heat and making the skin to heal properly. When the affected part is washed with oatmeal, the itching sensation is reduced. Ginger helps to reduce redness and inflammation and can be consume in any form.

For more information in treatments that remove acne visit But if you want to use product that is guaranteed to remove your acne then visit Revitol.

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