Saturday, 31 May 2008

Coconut Oil Used For Acne Treatment

Acne is a skin condition which includes blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. This happens when the opening near the surface of the skin is blocked and produces a build-up of oil. The result is inflammation and redness. Coconut oil as an acne treatment program, has been proven to work in many individuals.

One of the components in coconut oil is lauric acid, which is a medium chain fatty acid that fights bacteria and other viruses. Using it to treat acne can be very effective. The other components in coconut oil have anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties which further the effectiveness of coconut oil in the treatment of acne.

Coconut oil can be used internally or externally. To get the full effectiveness of a coconut oil acne treatment program one should use both methods in unison. It is relatively easy to incorporate coconut oil into your diet.

* Replace your cooking oil with coconut oil

* Add it to a smoothie

* Eat it directly off a spoon (the texture is a little strange but doesn't stick around long).

These are just a few ways to put coconut oil into your diet. Most people use 1 - 3 tablespoons a day. To use externally rub coconut oil gently on the area of the problem skin. Do this at least twice a day.

While coconut oil can treat the underlying reason for acne, there are also psychological effects of adolescent acne as well. Adolescence is a time when the body goes through hormonal changes. Teens are just beginning to explore who they are. Acne can make teens not want to participate in group activities due to self-esteem issues arising from this condition.

It is important for teens to understand that acne is not a disease, but a temporary condition that most likely will affect them at some point in their lives. For girls, pimples may occur during menstruation. While for boys, it is common for acne to begin at puberty.

Good hygiene habits can help prevent the acne from becoming too bad. For example, teens should not squeeze pimples or scrub the acne area too hard. Girls should avoid wearing make-up that could make the problem worse.

While there are tons of over-the-counter medications and topical creams, a coconut oil acne treatment is safer and just as effective. Unlike the medications mentioned, coconut oil does not contain any chemicals or preservatives. Furthermore, there is no likelihood that any teen would develop side effects from coconut oil. Using coconut oil can not only treat skin infections, but produce a healthier complexion.

As we continue to explore natural remedies to improve our overall health, coconut oil is tops on the list. Ironically, it wasn't too long ago that scientists thought coconut oil was the cause of acne. Today, however, the medical community has embraced this natural product since it has been proven to be a safe and effective alternative. It is understandable how the palm tree upon which coconuts grow is called "the Tree of Life".

Romona Burns has been an ASH (Advanced Scientific Health) Researcher since July 10, 2007. She began her own research, when her father was sent home in early 2001 to die of cancer. The doctors said there was nothing more conventional medicine could do for him.

Find more information and access to her Self Health Blog at or go to to find out about Advanced Scientific Health.

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Acne And Diet - The Truth Exposed

Facial washes, lasers, and antibiotics can quickly get rid of acne, but what usually happens within two weeks of finishing these treatments?

You look in the mirror and acne starts popping up all over again. You see, the problem with most of these treatments is that they merely treat the symptoms of acne and ignore the the real cause at the inflammatory core. And that is why you never seem to be able to get any long-lasting results when it comes to getting rid of acne.

So if dermatologists, fancy advertisements, and drugs doesn't have the answer a long-lasting solution to clear skin, what is the real secret that permanently gets rid of acne?

Surprisingly, it turns out that the most powerful clear skin secret has been brushed off by as a "myth" by the mainstream medical establishment. And people who praise this "myth" as the real cure to get rid of acne have been laughed upon as frauds and quacks.

But now this myth is slowly becoming more and more recognized to be the solution to all your acne problems. And this so-called myth is diet. It turns out that the most powerful clear skin secret is the foods that you put into your mouth!

Hard to believe, I know. After all, we have all been told over and over again by the health "authorities" that acne is the result of poor genetics, dirt and clogged pores. But as you continue to read, you will discover that the biggest factor in getting rid of acne is in the nutrients you eat, not by genetics and clogged pores alone.

Lets look at a group of people who are traditionally known to have genetically clear skin - the Japanese. A 1964 study from the University of Tokyo has found that serious acne was much more common with the Americans than with the Japanese.

In fact, the entire Japanese island of Okinawa before the 1970s had completely clear skin without a single case of acne ever reported! And remember - this was the time before the Japanese had the "luxury" of swallowing prescription drugs and drying out their skin with harsh facial washes.

To the untrained eye, looking at the Japanese and their ultra-clear skin makes it seem as if clear skin can be completely explained by genetics alone...

But is that really the whole story?

Now fast forward 35+ years later to the year 2008. Fast foods restaurant like McDonald's have replaced sushi restaurants and high sugar sodas like Coca Cola have replaced healthy green teas.

Here is the interesting part - as a result of this diet change of the Japanese over the years, recent studies reveal that the acne rate for the Japanese people suddenly skyrocketed to extremely high rates - similar to those in Western nations!

Keep in mind that these are the exact same Japanese people with the exact same genetics. The only difference is that their traditional acne-free diet got mixed in with unhealthy Western fast foods and drinks.

If genetics were the biggest factor for clear skin why did the acne skin disease rate dramatically increase for the Japanese after the introduction of Western foods?

And this isn't an isolated case. If you look at the Eskimos and Inuit of Northern Canada, the exact same thing happened. Once their nutrition changed and their diets shifted from a traditional healthy diet to an unhealthy Western diet, acne rates also skyrocketed.

Dr. Otto Shaefer, a medical doctor who studied the Inuit tribe of Northern Canada for 30 years and noting the dramatic changes in their complexion after the introduction of Western foods into their diets stated, "Another condition has become prevalent, one obvious even to the laymen: acne vulgaris."

And Elmer Bendiner, medical journalist stated in the journal Hospital Practice after the Eskimos combined Western foods into their traditional diets, "Acne vulgaris now scars the hitherto renowned complexions of the Eskimo and the evidence leaps at once from even the most casual glance at the faces of the youngster who seem to be constantly nibbling at candy bars or drinking soda pop out of a can."

Before the introduction of unhealthy western foods and drinks to these groups of people, acne was virtually non-existent. And all this was possible without the standard acne treatments you see today.

Sure there is small percentage of the population who will always acne no matter what they do, and these people should go see a dermatologist and take prescription drugs. But as for the 90% of us, improving our diet and lifestyle alone is extremely effective at getting rid of acne.

As you can clearly see from these groups of people, it is the drastic changes in their diets that has created the acne epidemic. So you see, standard acne treatments like prescription drugs, facial washes, etc. are all obsolete at getting rid of acne when you compare it to eating a healthy balanced diet.

Of course eating a healthy, anti-acne diet is hard to maintain every single day. So be sure to get a high quality supplement that has optimal amounts of key anti-acne nutrients to give yourself an extra layer of protection. Combine supplementation with a good diet and you're sure to have acne-free skin in the long run.

Diet and acne is key to your success with acne. To find out more information on which powerful anti-acne nutrients can help permanently get rid of your acne, please visit:

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Friday, 30 May 2008

End Blackhead Acne

Blackhead acne haunts people that don't even have inflamed acne problems. They invade your nose, chin and maybe even your back, shoulders and chest. There is an easy, effective way to get rid of blackheads that doesn't require squeezing or using extractors. Those methods will just make matters worse by causing infection, making your nose bright red and possibly causing scaring.

Before you can get rid of blackhead acne, it is important to understand what actually causes the problem in order to understand why the treatment methods work and why these strategies are necessary to follow. It is important not to skip any blackhead acne prevention and treatment steps, so by understanding the significance of each step you'll hopefully be less likely to take shortcuts.

When it comes down to it, blackheads are formed by clogged pores and excess sebum. Sebum is the natural oil your body produces to make your hair waterproof and to moisturize your skin to keep it protected from drying out. Most acne prone people are the oily skin type, which means their body produces too much sebum. When the subum cannot reach the surface of the skin because of clogged pores, bacteria fills the pores. As air oxidizes the sebum/bacteria contents of those pores, it becomes discolored and forms blackheads.

In order to effectively get rid of blackheads and make sure they never come back, you need to reduce unnecessary sebum production and eliminate clogged pores. The best way to do that is not by pinching your skin or using a blackhead extractor. All that does is remove the blackheads from the surface of the skin and potentially cause more damage. You may be able to get rid of some blackheads that way, but they will just come back as the problem still exists below the skin.

With a little patience and discipline, however, you can end blackhead acne in just a few days. By using topical solutions that unclogs pores and using preventative measures, your face will be crystal clear. Another important step that is frequently skipped is regularly using proper moisturizer. It may seem contradictory to put an oily substance on your face when oil is the problem in the first place, but by using a proper oil-free lotion you can actually reduce the amount of sebum that your body produces. When your face is dry, your body tries to protect the skin by pumping out more sebum, but if you maintain healthy, subtle skin, there will be no need to worry about sebum clogged pores.

Learn how to end blackhead acne by using treatment that will quickly clear your skin and make sure they never come back. Visit Get Rid of Blackheads now at:

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Thursday, 29 May 2008

Acne Foruncular Natural Treatment

Acne is horrible! It can really be a nightmare, getting up everyday not knowing what you are going to find in the mirror. It could be a relatively clean you, or horror of horrors, it could be a pock marked individual you can hardly identify.

Considering the immense affect acne has on our mental peace, it is only natural for people to search for miracle remedies that could cure it in an eye blink.

This is the main reason why all the drugs and over the counter medication in the market is thriving. The general tendency is to run to the drugstore every time you have an acne outbreak. But the question that begs to be answered is; if the medication was that effective then wouldn't its necessity diminish with time. This almost never happens because all these medicines manage to clear up the skin for a short while, but they do not address the root of the problem. Hence, it keeps reoccurring.

Acne foruncular natural treatment is the natural way of getting rid of acne. No more chemicals and skin drying topical applications. What we are looking at is a hundred percent natural solution to acne.
The foruncular natural treatments are available in the market aplenty. Not all work for everyone. The key is to do some research and find out what works best for you.

The best part is the fact that these natural treatments in no way harm your skin. There are no nasty side effects like the other chemical medicines produce. Giving these a shot sure makes sense, as they also get you into a healthier lifestyle. Most likely by giving the foruncular natural treatment a try you would end up avoiding all the power drugs maligning your body and would also get a skin you always dreamed of.

If you want to know more about acne foruncular natural treatments visit My Best Acne Solution Site and subscribe to my FREE Report "The 5 Basic Secrets To Clearing Your Skin".

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Why To Treat Comedoniano Acne Naturally

Comedoniano acne, or comodenal acne, is a common type of acne that occurs on the face. It appears as blackheads and whiteheads. Comedones are skin follicles that can get clogged with dirt, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Blackheads are open comedones exposing the dirt and grime as the "black head." Whiteheads are closed comedones where the dirt and grime are still in the follicle causing irritation around the skin or even infection.

Fortunately, unlike other types of acne, comedoniano acne does not have the high risk of scarring. Therefore, harsh chemical treatments should be avoided. Many acne treatments contain a chemical called benzoyl peroxide. It is a carcinogenic that has been thought to aid the development of cancer cells. Furthermore, there are harsh side effects associated with this harsh chemical. Redness, dryness, and itchiness are just some of the problems associated with chemical treatments. Instead, one should look at the many natural opportunities there are to treat comodenal acne.

Green tea is one of the most popular ways of naturally treating comodenal acne. Green tea has a significant number of antioxidants that help the body rid itself of harmful toxins that aid the development of acne. Other means of ridding your body of toxins include an herbal footbath. Releasing toxins through the foot is a proven means of detoxification. To concoct an herbal footbath, a simple mixture of herbs, like dandelion, licorice, and garlic with others, with hot water poured into a large basin will work. For more detailed information about an herbal mix that will work for acne, it is good idea to reference books on herbal plants. Many have reference sections for specific ailments' treatments.

In all cases, if your comedoniano acne persist even with natural treatments, you should seek the advice of a dermatologist.

If you want to know more about comedoniano acne natural treatments visit My Best Acne Solution Site and subscribe to my FREE Report "The 5 Basic Secrets To Clearing Your Skin".

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Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Blemish Acne Cream

Acne is one of the most annoying skin conditions prevalent in today's time. It is all the more vicious because of its propensity to affect almost every member of this civilization at least once during puberty.

Ugly pimples, cysts and blemishes are the after effects of having an acne outbreak. This can really prove detrimental to the self esteem of teenagers who are psychologically at the most delicate part of their growing up process.

The best bet to get rid of the vile lesions and scars on the face, is to use a blemish acne cream. These creams are very effective in getting rid of the various blemishes and scars left on the face after an acne outbreak.

There are several blemish acne creams present in the market which are pretty effective. When selecting a cream that best suits you, do not forget to take a look at the ingredient listing found in the cream. The ingredient, benzoyl peroxide is known to provide dramatic results in relieving the skin of its blemishes in a relatively short period of time. This should definitely be a key ingredient in any cream or gel you decide to opt for. The listing is generally present on the box containing the cream.

Your skin type is again an important consideration while choosing a blemish acne cream. There are different creams available for oily or dry skin. A mild blemish acne cream is preferable as it would not have any side effects which could prove detrimental to you skin.

Price should also be added to the list of considerations while choosing a cream. A cheap cream with severe side effects is of no use. Neither is an obscenely priced one, not really worthy of its cost.

It is imperative to do your homework well before choosing amongst the blemish acne creams available in the market.

If you want to know more about Blemish Acne Cream visit My Best Acne Solution Site and subscribe to my FREE Report "The 5 Basic Secrets To Clearing Your Skin".

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Nodular Acne Natural Treatment

Nodular acne is one of the most severe kinds of acne. This results in painful pimple like nodules erupting on the skin. The nodules are much bigger than normal pimples and penetrate a lot deeper into the skin.

The nodules are caused due to blocking of glands due to excessive production of sebum and oil in the skin. These are tender and swollen pimples with a central lumpy core. The nodular acne generally results in severe scarring after it heals.

The drugs used in the market for treating nodular acne have got very severe side effects. It is better to avoid these drugs and opt for acne nodular natural treatment instead.

This consists of naturally treating acne without resorting to chemical, drugs or surgery.

Here are some natural ways of fighting nodular acne:

Aloe Vera: This is the best natural remedy for treating acne; Aloe Vera is rich in nutrients which are very beneficial to the skin. It expedites the healing process of the skin thereby fighting against the acne effectively.

Drink lots of water: Drinking at least 12 glasses of water a day helps flush out the toxins in our body which helps in reducing acne outbreaks.

Drink ginger juice: This might sound preposterous, but it is the absolute truth. Ginger has healing properties and is anti inflammatory. It can effectively reduce inflammation and redness of acne.

Exercise regularly: Exercise helps in flushing out the toxins in the body. The sweat secreted while exercising gets rid of all the harmful substances in the body thereby fighting against the very root cause of acne.

Tea tree oil: This has antibacterial properties. It can effectively kill bacteria's causing acne like p.acnes. This is a very effective way of fighting against acne.

The above mentioned natural remedies for nodular acne are no miracle tips, curing acne overnight. They require patience and religious application on you part. In the long run they are very effective ways of getting a clear skin without any side effects.

If you want to know more about Nodular Acne Natural Treatments visit My Best Acne Solution Site and subscribe to my FREE Report "The 5 Basic Secrets To Clearing Your Skin".

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Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Toothpaste Gets Rid Of Acne - Alternative Remedy Or Hoax

We've seen it all when it comes to acne remedies - egg yolk mask, lidocane rub, even urine toner. When I heard about the Toothpaste Acne Cure, I had to check it out. Let look at some basics. I wanted to know:

- Is toothpaste an effective cure for acne?

- What ingredients are there in toothpaste that might make it an effective acne remedy?

- Is toothpaste a replacement for topical acne remedies?

Yep, toothpaste. Now I've heard it all.

Home remedies come in all shapes and types, and we've all seen drugs that were made for one disease miraculously curing another one. So, it could be that toothpaste, long thought to be the bane of cavities everywhere, might also have the corner on the zit market. Is it effective or is it possible?

We looked first to find the secret weapon in toothpaste and looked at fluoride or sodium monoflurorophosphate. We all know that fluoride prevents cavities. We've heard that on televisions and in dentist's offices for years. But, on the skin? Well, we had to cross that one off. Medical studies have shown that large amounts of fluoride might cause systemic poisoning. Fluoride is in toothpaste to a lesser degree, but we don't propose you slather it all over your skin. It might do more damage than good.

Moving on . . .

Looking at the ingredients on your standard tube to toothpaste, we researched glycerin, sorbitol and alumina. They might have the potential to eliminate zits. Hydrated silica and types of aluminum could treat acne via dermabrasive products. No need to spend a fortune on dermal abrasion. Just spend a few bucks and buy some toothpaste. However, on closer inspection, we found that the granules are too fine to do much good. So exfoliation is out and sorbitol is simply a flavoring agent and glycerin makes the toothpaste feel good on your tongue and teeth. We looked last at sodium lauryl sulfate, but it just makes bubbles and suds won't do much against acne pimples.

The Calcium Buster - Sodium Pyrophosphate

We discover that sodium pyrophosphate limits tartar, removes calcium and magnesium from saliva and it is a calcium evicting phosphate. Now we may be on to something. There might possible be an acne zapper in this ingredient. Eliminating calcium does help with acne prone skin, so that may be the secret ingredient we seek as an acne curative.

The Stragglers - Titanium Dioxide and Baking Soda

Last, but certainly not least is the baking soda and titanium oxide present in minute amounts in our toothpaste. The skin will find them to be wonderful exfoliates, but they are present in such small quantities they would be hardly effective. In larger quantities, they might absorb excess facial oils which would definitely help get rid of acne breakouts, and they might be a great dermabrasion agent. However, if we increase the amount of baking soda in our toothpaste, we would have a bit of a time trying to brush our teeth.

Well, after looking at all of the ingredients in toothpaste, we have to find this to be just another urban myth. Toothpaste does have some properties and ingredients that might make it a good acne fighter. The amount is too small to be very effective, however, and the negative aspects of other ingredients would far outweigh the benefits derived. So, there you have it. Back to topical acne remedies from your drug store, and leave the toothpaste to the teeth.

Do you need an acne treatment? Read our review on acnezine review, proactiv solution, murad acne treatment.

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Treatment For Adult Acne - Will Oil Remedies Make Acne Worse?

Perfect skin is high on almost everyone's list especially the areas that are on display everyday. Although thought of as mainly a teenage problem, adult acne is increasingly common. There are so many treatments for adult acne as well as differing advice so it's difficult to decide where to start.

Acne free clear skin makes you more confident so it's important for sufferers to understand acne. What works for some won't work for others so you have to experiment yourself to find the perfect cure. Let's look at one type of treatment.

One treatment for adult acne is the use of oil whether you consume oil capsules or apply it directly to your skin. Many acne sufferers believe that this will make their acne worse. The main reason for that view is because acne is aggravated by excess oil production which clogs pores.

Firstly, when skin is dry it develops tiny cracks and tears which provides an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria and further acne break outs. Skin that is too dry also causes pores to secrete more oil to try and cure the dryness. As you can see skin dryness causes acne in this case.

Secondly, oily skin is not so much of an acne causing problem on its own, it is oil that gets mixed with dead skin, bacteria, make up and other impurities clogged in the pores that causes the problem.

Thirdly, oil applied directly to the skin can attract oil that is deep down in the pores and draw it up, which balances the oil levels.

Monday, 26 May 2008

Treatments To Get Rid Of Acne Scars

Acne scars can be a terrible thing to live with, especially if the scarring happens to be a permanent one. There is nothing that can acually be called a permanent scar. With the kind of treatments available today and by choosing the right treatment that applies to your skin, it is possible to get rid of even deep rooted scars left over by severe acne like cystic acne.

Creams that conceal the scars are available which are usually quite expensive and is temporary cosmetic. To completely get rid of acne scars, it is important to resort to a proven scar treatment method.

Here is a brief description of some of the popular effective methods for getting rid of Acne Scars:


In this method, by spraying abrasive crystals on the surface of the skin, the scarred layers of tissue could be removed by abrasion. It requires no hospitalization and is also known as lunch time peel as it has zero recovery time. Home microdermabrasion kits are also available, so that it can be used at the comfort of your own home.

2)Laser Resurfacing:

The most common laser used is carbon dioxide laser. It is used to treat very deep scars. This method is known to work for some people, but the other reported more harm than good. It is expensive and requires hospitalization as the skin can be prone to infection after the removal of the upper layers.

3)Chemical Peel Treatment:

Chemical peel treatment involves the application of certain chemicals to the top skin layers. After sometime, the chemical can be washed off the skin. It gets rid of the scarred skin layers along with the chemicals. A lot of chemical peels are available and it needs to be chosen wisely depending on the nature of the scarring present in your skin. Peels of different concentrations are available and can be chosen depending upon the nature of the scars that need to be treated.

To find out the best treatment methods to treat all types of Acne scars, visit Acne Scar Removal. You will find comprehensive information on all the modern methods including Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peel Treatment, etc.

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How To Get Rid Of Acne

1. The Stuff of Acne

What is acne?

Acne is a generic term that is used to describe pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, and cysts.
What causes acne?

The most common forms of acne are believed to be caused by clogged skin pores. Some swear that certain foods can cause outbreaks. If you've searched the web you've likely found much conflicting information, my advice to you is to read it all and use the information to safely guide yourself through some personal lifestyle experiments. Change your diet for a few weeks, exercise or jump in a sauna every other day for a while. There is no acne panacea and everyone is unique - so the remedy that works for you will likely be unique as well. Experiment, be patient and beware of salesman.

2. Tips for Getting Rid of Acne

The following are just tips - nothing more. Look them over, try some out and stick with what works for you. When it comes to acne, personal experience is the best teacher. Please share yours by submitting a tip through the form at the bottom of this page.
How to get rid of pimples

* If you must pop a pimple yourself, apply a hot, wet compress until it becomes a whitehead, sterilize a needle in flame or alcohol and then carefully lance it. Squeeze it gently to drain and wash both your hands and the area of the pimple afterwards.

* Try changing your bath soap - many people have reported success with Ivory's "Sensitive Skin" product.

* Switch to a makeup that is not oil based. The oils can irritate your skin and clog your pores.

* Wash makeup off every night before retiring.

* Is it your birth-control pill? If you think so then ask you doctor about switching to another kind.

* Vary your exposure to sunlight - don't get much? Get some more. Get too much? Try keeping to the shade. Experiment with sunblock.

* Increase your water consumption - water. I repeat; W-A-T-E-R ;). This will help your body flush itself of toxins.

* Steam your face over hot water, under a hot, wet towel, or in a sauna to open your pores and flush them out. Wash your face afterwards.

* If you wash too much, your body my try and adapt by producing more oil - keep it at 1-2 gentle cleanses per day.

* Could it be stress? Try getting more sleep, or jogging.

* Mix a couple of tablespoons of baking soda with a few drops of water and apply it to the blemish nightly until it goes away.

* Many people swear that applying a dab of toothpaste works, many others swear that it does not.

How to get rid of whiteheads

* If you're set on popping your whiteheads, do so with a sterile needle and wash the area well before and after. Avoid squeezing too hard - if the pimple is divided into multiple clusters then you could burst it internally and cause a larger outbreak! Wash your face and hands afterwards.

How to get rid of blackheads

* Blackheads can be gently squeezed to remove blockage. Geeeently. Wash your face and hands afterwards.

* For more percise information for getting rid of blackheads, see our article: "How to Get Rid of Blackheads"

How to get rid of cysts

* Try reducing sugars and fats in your diet.

* If you have cysts that are deep under the skin, see your doctor.


Acne treatments have become a billion dollar industry. There are hundreds of different products on the market. Of these, the most popular one is Proactiv. While it does offer results, people have reported that their acne returns worse if they stop using it. If you have personal experience with a particular product feel free to submit it for the benefit of others using the form at the bottom of the page.
3. Offsite resources

* Home Remedies for Acne

* Acne at Wikipedia - More information about the physiology of acne or medicinal treatments.

* Google Groups (Discuss acne and search past discussions for info)

- Rosacea - Acne Rosacea information

- alt.skincare.acne - General acne information

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Getting Rid Of The Root Cause Of Acne

Millions of people suffer from non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne, and spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars to try and relieve themselves from it. They buy over-the-counter medications, prescriptions, and on-shelf creams and ointments that supposedly get rid of acne. But they don't. They only get rid of the symptoms of acne, not the root cause.

Acne can cause a lot of psychological problems in teenagers and adults because they are afraid to join in social activities, which then causes them to seclude themselves. This is a really big problem that has been present for many many years. Acne sufferers often feel ugly, gross, and are just generally really unhappy with their appearance. This is not good for a productive self-esteem growth and can cause many problems down the road for a lot of people. Non-inflammatory acne sufferers often have less psychological and social seclusion problems than inflammatory acne sufferers. Here are the differences between the two:

Non-inflammatory acne is blackheads and whiteheads, also known as zits or pimples, on the skin. These are closed pores that are caused by the oil gland in your skin working in overdrive. This then causes the pore in your skin to clog and create a small surface bump such as whitehead or blackhead. Non-inflammatory acne can usually be treated with on-shelf face cleaning products.

Inflammatory acne is red and irritated whiteheads and blackheads which can leave permanent scars and dug-outs in your skin. This kind of acne usually cannot be treated with any type of 'acne medication'. What needs to happen is you need to go on a diet that doesn't involve overly oily and greasy foods, and flushes out your body of acne causing toxins.

Just by making this little change in your lifestyle by eating healthier and staying away from acne causing foods, you are getting rid of the root cause of acne, and you will be able to keep your acne away, for good. Acne diet systems such as Acne Free In 3 Days, and Acne No More, will be able to help you with your full body cleansing diet so you won't have to worry about the costly dermatologist visits, and the over-the-counter prescriptions and medications any longer. You also won't have to worry about buying countless products that promise to get rid of your acne, but really don't.

Feel free to check out for acne diet systems that will change your life.

Article Source:

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Clear Skin - Simple And Fast With No Drugs!

You don't have to be a teenager to get acne. Women during pregnancy, pre and post menopause or during menstruation can also have outbreaks. It's embarrassing and makeup just won't totally hide it.

Food and stress can certainly contribute to outbreaks. No matter the cause, the scars acne leaves behind can be emotionally and physically undesirable and damaging.

Infomercials and over-the-counter products offer help as do dermatologists. Most contain side effects and potential health risk, especially since you have to use the product or drug for extended periods of time.

Looking at alternatives, herbal treatments have been recommended through home remedies. These are time consuming to make and take a long time for results, if they work at all. Most of us want what is simple and fast, often not even considering side effects.

If a product indicates not to use it when you're pregnant or breast feeding, or lists any other potential side effects, I stay away from it and certainly would not want my children to use it. Why should I when there are alternatives.

There is a simpler science based product line that will help clear acne. Cleure offers cleanser and toner that has proven to help clear acne quickly and safely. They also advocate using their loose mineral concealers, for men and women, while the acne is clearing up.

The treatment is very simple and in about two weeks, acne is gone or you are guaranteed to get your money back. You start with their Cleure Cleanser, follow with their Toner and lastly moisturizer applied lightly. Cover with Cleure concealer and watch acne disappear.

With the options offered by dermatologist with antibiotic creams and injections, infomercials with products with loads of side effects, or trying all the different over-the-counter ones that never seem to work, Cleure is the clear choice for me.

Flora Stay, D.D.S. has been a practicing dentist for over 30 years. She is the author of her latest book "Secret Gateway to Health" as well as contributing author to magazines such as Total Health, Prevention, Men's Health and others. She is currently an Assistant Associate Professor at U.S.C. School of Dentistry Dept. of Diagnostic Sciences. Visit her website for a free e-book "Product Labels: a cautionary tale" at

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Acne Cure At Home - How To Eliminate Cysts & Whiteheads In Your House Doing Nothing But Sitting

The bottom line when it comes to beating acne is how to do it as easily and effectively as possible. None of the usual advice on acne works very well, but these tips DO...

1. Don't get stressed out about acne. This will only make the whole problem worse. This can be translated as "have a healthy mind".

2. Learn as much as possible about natural acne treatment systems. These are the only guaranteed route to clear skin. This can be translated as "have the right information about acne cures".

Standard (What Works!) natural methods of curing acne include:

A. Drinking water. Lots of water everyday purifies the body and helps keep your skin free from toxins that can cause acne.

B. Take vitamins like vitamin c. These are fantastic for acne as they provide the body with lots of antioxidants and other nutrients that fight against acne.

C. Adopting a healthy diet which doesn't contain much fat. This is very important.

These 3 standard natural acne treatments will work, although you might need some advanced tips if you have severe or stubborn acne...

Lastly, and probably most importantly is to maintain a system for being acne free that you follow consistently. This is the REAL key to clear skin - being consistent with what you do. It's actually easy to get clear skin when you know how, but staying acne free requires a system that you follow daily.

There is such an acne cure at home system called Mr X Acne Says, which you can start today and be clear in days, and stay clear for good.

Before you do anything else to treat your acne You Have to Read This First! Here is a secret way you can completely cure your acne from home in the next few days. Get learning now...

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Friday, 23 May 2008

No More Acne? A Few Myths Uncovered!

Let's cut right to the chase; there are real reasons why you have acne and there are myths which have no more reason to cause acne than it is because you live in a certain state and that's why you have it. Let's get right to it, because you want no more acne. We're here to help!

Myth! Acne is a disease. It's because you don't shower enough.

Fact - Acne has nothing to do with being clean. Of course you should shower but whether you do or not, that is not related to the acne on your face and body.

Myth! Go to a tanning salon. It will get rid of your acne.

Fact - Not only will a tanning bed not get rid of your acne, it may dry out, irritate and burn your skin and make it worse than it already is. Also, tanning like this has become associated with all kinds of skin cancers. I know you hate this condition, but this is not the way to have no more acne.

Myth! Popping pimples will cause them to go away and never come back.

Fact - This is the biggest myth yet! Squeezing zits not only doesn't make them go away, it will cause them to stay around longer. Popping pimples pushes the bacteria deeper into your skin setting up a perfect situation for a scar. If you want to cover them up for a special occasion, use makeup for a temporary solution. And speaking of makeup -

Myth! You cannot wear makeup or cosmetics when you have acne.

Fact - This is so far from the truth. You can wear all the makeup that you want. Just make sure it's the right kind if you want to have acne no more. Just use the cosmetics labeled noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic and your makeup will not cause breakouts.

Myth! Sugar, fast food and fried foods directly cause acne.

Fact - This is by far the largest myth around acne. But wait, not so fast. These foods may not directly cause acne, but indirectly they can by robbing vitamins from the body which are used to clearing your skin. What you should do is to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and lots of fiber in your diet. Then you will have all the fuel your body will need to fight the bacteria and you will have acne no more.

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Thursday, 22 May 2008

Adult and Teenage Acne Treatment

There are lots of myths related to adult acne/ teenage acne/ acne treatment. Here's the first one and perhaps the most popular:

Acne is only a teenager’s problem.

Fact: It is true that most teenagers have acne but it can also appear to people in their 30’s or 40’s. 80% of men and women with severe acne have reported that it is a carry over from their teen years. It is also true that there are some people who first develop acne as an adult. The most important point is that you should treat the acne during the teen years in order to minimize scarring and improve your acne before you reach your 20’s.

Here are 4 more acne myths:

Eating the wrong foods will trigger the acne.

Fact: There is no wrong food! Many people believe that chocolates and french fries can trigger acne but they are wrong. However, dermatologists suggests that if you know that certain food will aggravate your acne, then you should avoid it.

Acne can be caused by stress.

Fact: Stress cannot trigger acne. However, some stressful situations does aggravate acne in some people. In this case, you should consult your doctor to find an alternative anti-stress drug which may not trigger acne breakouts in you.

The main cause of acne is oily skin.

Fact: Oily skin is just one of the factors. There are many other factors which can cause acne, such as the presence of normal skin bacteria, inflammation and hormonal changes during puberty.

Acne can spread from one person to others.

Fact: Acne appears as a result of hormonal changes. Therefore, there is no way that acne could spread to others.

There you have it, 5 of the most common acne myths. As they say, knowledge is power. By knowing these myths, we all can help each other to cure or prevent adult acne teenage acne acne treatment. in much better ways.

Staggerlee Phillips often writes on health topics. Tired of not finding even a single acne treatment product that works? Worry no more - Click Here - Adult Acne Teenage Acne Acne Treatment

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5 Herbal Treatments For Acne

Acne affects millions of people all over the world, and for a sufferer there must seem like there's millions of products to pick from. But many of the over the counter that treat acne contain harmful chemicals, which might damage the skin and also may be only a temporary remedy. People these days are now aware of the hazards that chemicals can cause, and the smart people are now looking for natural and herbal remedies to treat their acne.

Natural herbal treatments can be in the form of lotions, creams, home-made products or even herbal formulations. Down below there is a list of some of the better ingredients which can be used to treat acne.

Echinacea and tea tree oil are the very common natural herbal extracts that are known for treating acne and are available widely. Echinacea and Oregon grape can help in improving the immune system of the body. While tea tree oil contains terpenoids, which is known for its antifungal and antiseptic property.

Green tea is used to fight bacteria lowering the hormone activity, allowing acne to be controlled. Almond oil is also very useful in removing acne scars which can be just as bad as acne it self.

Apricots and citrus juices decrease the presence of cysts while acting as a very natural exfoliate, this gets read of dead skin cells making the pores from pollutants that caused clogs.

Distilled white vinegar can be used as a topical solution on the problem area to cleanse the pores. The use of honey masks help the healing process of the skin affected by the acne due to its anti bacterial quality.

Green tea, chamomile and oatmeal are excellent herbs for treating inflammation due to its anti inflammatory properties. It helps to soothe the affected part and aids in the release of heat and making the skin to heal properly. When the affected part is washed with oatmeal, the itching sensation is reduced. Ginger helps to reduce redness and inflammation and can be consume in any form.

For more information in treatments that remove acne visit But if you want to use product that is guaranteed to remove your acne then visit Revitol.

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Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Body Acne & How To Prevent It!

The first thing that usually comes to mind when it comes to acne is facial acne. Acne that is on the face is visible to pretty much everybody but there is another type of acne that most people do not talk about because it can be covered up by clothing and it is body acne.

Body acne is just as prevalent as facial acne but you do not hear about it as much because people know how to cover it up and keep it from becoming visible. Just as many people suffer from body acne and it actually tougher to treat than facial acne because there are not as many products devoted to curing body acne.

Body acne can be caused by the clothing you wear and can also be prevented by changing the style of clothes you wear. If you wear tight fitting clothes you may want to get you some looser fitting clothes. Tight fitting clothes tends to trap the skin and will not let it breathe and will further body acne.

If you are an athlete or work out than you want to make sure you shower after the workout. Use mild soaps and do not scrub the body as this can lead to redness of the acne. Sweat can actually help with body acne by opening up the pores but if you do not cleanse the skin after sweating it can further clog the pores.

Body acne is an issue that many people have to deal with but you do not hear about it as much because people tend to talk about it less. If you have body acne rest assured that you are not alone

Body acne is hard to eliminate but if you want more tips to prevent acne visit

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Clearing Up the Acne Myths

Let's face it, dealing with acne can be a real nightmare, especially when you are not sure what to believe anymore when it comes to treating and preventing acne. Clearing up the acne myths is a great start to clearing up your acne problem.

If you have been told that chocolate causes acne, don't even give it a second thought. Chocolate does not cause acne, so eat to your hart's desire. So far, studies have shown that iodized salt is the only thing in your diet that can aggravate your acne.

I am sure that you have heard that teenagers are the only sufferers of acne. This is simply not true. Acne affects people of all ages and can even be found amongst toddlers. So teenagers, you are not alone!

Has anyone ever told you that poor hygiene causes acne? Not true. Though poor hygiene can lead to other health problems, acne is not one of them. As a matter of fact, people that wash their faces too often have a greater risk of developing acne. Washing your face excessively dries out your skin thus causing an over production of oils to your skin which in turn can lead to acne.

Many people believe that stress causes acne. Again, this is not true. Stress can however make your acne worse, but it does not actually cause acne.

Leaving your acne alone does not help the situation improve either. This does not mean that you should touch or pick your acne. This will only make the situation worse. Instead, let your doctor recommend the best treatment to help reduce or cure your acne problem.

Read more on acne by visiting Also, discover great acne prevention tips to help you stay acne free.

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Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Adult Acne - What is It?

Adult acne is much more common than many people think. Basically Adult acne is the same skin condition as adolescent acne. Adult acne is often called Acne Rosacea, while adolescent acne is call Acne Vulgaris. Most adults who have Adult acne have inherited genes that make them prone to acne development.

There are two types of acne, open and closed called blackheads and whiteheads respectively. Acne forms pimples, they are made up of a combination of skin debris and fat deposits in a hair follicle. A pimple develops when the deposits rupture the hair follicle wall causing irritation.

Treatments for Adult Acne are the same as with other forms of acne. There are lots of over the counter solutions and the internet offers many excellent products. Some of the best products cannot be bought in stores at this time. Looking through the offers on the internet will be time well spent.

If after 8 weeks you have not had satisfactory results you should seek a consultation with a dermatologist. Your skin type may require a specialized treatment to achieve the desired results. Do not scrub your face as this can cause acne to become worse, you should gently wash your face twice daily. It is also recommended that you do not squeeze pimples, this practice can lead to scarring of the skin.

You Can find out more about Adult Acne Here

Retin-A For Acne Scars

Retin-A for acne scars is one possibility for the problem. Reitn-A for acne scars helps with healing and cuts down on the formation of new pimples.

Talk to your doctor about Retin-A for acne scars and see what she recommends. Be sure to tell your doctor or dermatologist about any other medications you are taking before you consider Retin-A for acne scars.

If you decide to use Retin-A for acne scars you may see results in two weeks. After using Retin-A for acne scars for seven weeks you should achieve full results.

When you start using Retin-A for acne scars you will want to read all the directions carefully. Begin the Retin-A for acne scars regimen by washing your hands and putting a very thin layer on your face at bedtime. Don’t forget to wash your hands when you are through using the Retin-A for acne scars medication.

You may think that it will be helpful to use the Retin-A for acne scars more often than advised or in larger quantities but it can actually be detrimental and can increase the side effects.

Don’t worry if your acne appears to take a turn for the worse when you first use Retin-A for acne scars. It may take awhile before you notice an improvement.

There may be times when you miss a dose of Retin-A for acne scars medication. If it is not almost time to take the next dose use it as soon as you remember. Otherwise skip the missed dose of Retin-A for acne scars and continue your regular schedule.

Try Retin-A for acne scars.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne skin care products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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Monday, 19 May 2008

Acne Control - Start Early

When starting an acne control program the biggest advantage you can gain is by starting as early as possible. Catching acne in the early stages allows your acne control medication to head off more serious forms of acne before they start.

Genetics play a large role in how severe adolescent acne may become, But almost all teens will acne to some degree. For those who may have the genetics to be prone to severe acne catching it early may save a lot of heartache in the long run.

When starting an acne control program you need to first consider your skin type. There are basically 3 types of skin oily, dry and combination. The first are self explanatory the last is represented by some ares being dry and others being oily.

There are acne control medications for all three, using the wrong medication could possibly cause your outbreak to become worse. ProActive acne medication offers several top quality acne control medications, these products are tailored to very specific skin types. They have products that cover various types of acne problems and several good products for maintenance.

With the proper medications most people can keep acne under control. If acne control medications do not seem to be working you should consult your doctor for advice.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Acne Explained

Acne, a very common chronic skin condition, is still somewhat of a mystery as to what the root cause is. Most medical professionals believe that it could be attributed to several factors, one of which is hormone levels.

Recent studies show that certain hormones, known as androgens, may trigger the formation of acne because they enlarge the sebaceous, or oil producing glands in the skin which leads to increased sebum or oil production. This increase leads to the formation of plugs and serves as more food for the acne-causing bacteria.

While these hormones are actually present in both men and women, they usually surge at puberty. This fact also explains why teenagers develop armpit and pubic hair, and why boys develop facial hair and deeper voices, other than why acne forms.

Yet another potent cause of acne is the bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes that normally thrive on the skin. These bacteria are responsible for causing the condition to develop. According to some studies, acne develops as these bacteria emit substances that trigger redness and inflammation. They also make enzymes, which then dissolve the sebum or oil into the irritating substances that make the inflammation worse.

the female hormone estrogen also plays a large role in the development of acne, particularly in girls. It is important to note first that a womans monthly menstrual cycle is a result of the changes in the estrogen levels in her body. This can actually explain why this skin condition in a female way get better and then get worse as she goes through her monthly menstrual cycle. One of the beneficial side affects of some birth control pills that contain the helpful estrogens is to help control acne outbreaks.

It is also believed that acne is caused by some genetic factors. Without a doubt it does seem to be worse in some families.

In that respect it is thought that if you have parents or relatives who have bad acne, there is also a great possibility that you too will get it. Considering the genetic factors, many feel that there is no way for you to stop acne outbreaks from occurring.

Other possible causes of acne are stress, cosmetics, medication and diet. These are just minor factors that can cause acne, but many have found that they are aggravators of this skin condition.

Stress and diet, in particular, don't actually cause it to form, but many have believed that these two will potentially aggravate acne and any other skin condition you may have.

Knowing that there is no particular cause of acne, perhaps the best move is to try a few different treatments to see which is best suited to your particular skin type. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatment.

Discover the what you need to know regarding acne care

The Battle Against Acne

Acne is a problem for most all teens in there adolescence years. During this time acne is a major battle with most all teenagers. Acne gives a person a real blow to there self-esteem, and the self awareness of there appearance. During this time to a teen appearance plays a very important roll in there life.

If an acne problem isn’t treated properly with a proper skin care treatment. The acne can have a life long effect on a person. The scaring that acne can cause on a persons skin can and in most cases, do cause emotional scaring as well.

Not only are teenagers venerable to acne but almost everyone has to deal with acne from time to time. It's not because we eat the wrong things. Nor is it because we don't wash our face enough. In fact, washing too vigorously can make acne worse!

Acne is caused from imbalances and impurities within the body. There are ways to treat acne from the source. This has been proven to be an effected method of skin care. By treating acne where it starts can fight the acne problem at the source.

Treating acne with skin care products have been around for a long time. Acne can be treated, and in most cases be stopped before it can cause damage to the skin. There are a number of skin care products on the market that can help contain an acne problem. Using these effective skin care products along with the proven skin care products that fight acne from with in can greatly improve a person’s chance of defeating acne.

Robert Emler: Skin care is and always will be an important part of a persons life. Fighting acne has become an easier fight to win with today solutions. For more information on skin care products for fighting acne go to.

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Saturday, 17 May 2008

2008 Best Acne Treatments

2008 brings many new advances to the treatment of acne. These advances are noted in acne treatment devices as well as acne creams. In this brief article, you'll learn about what methods are being used to treat acne today.

Acne Devices

Acne devices, such as Zeno and blue light therapy have been gaining popularity among acne sufferers. These devices provide uninhabitable environments for the acne-causing bacteria, killing these bacteria, which in turn destroys the acne. A pimple without bacteria is merely a clogged pore, which can be treated easily with a decent acne cream. These acne devices work best for mild to moderate acne, but the treatment of severe acne is questionable. Since severe acne is rooted deep into the skin, Zeno has been shown to be ineffective towards these types of pimples. Further research must be done to treat these nasty pimples. However, Zeno catches acne before they are formed, and it also helps treat acne in less than twenty-four hours. Blue light therapy has also helped treat acne by killing off the skin bacteria. The difference between zeno and blue light therapy is, zeno is a spot treatment while blue light therapy is a full-face treatment.

Acne Creams

Acne creams have been steadily improving over time. Since the 1960s, benzoyl peroxide has been the dominant chemical for treating acne. However, this chemical makes the skin appear "bleached," it stains clothes, and it only temporarily treats acne. Proactiv, Acne Free, and many other old acne treatments like to use this product to treat acne. Although benzoyl peroxide still works to treat acne, 2008 brings many new advances. Today, most acne sufferers are leaning towards using natural acne treatments, those that don't contain harsh chemicals that destroy the skin.

Compare and review 2008's best acne treatments at

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3 Tips To Help You Get Rid Of Acne

Most of us will have acne sometime in our lives. For some, it happens only during adolescence while there are others who are plagued by acne even as adults. There are many factors that cause acne. It can be caused by genetics, improper skincare regime, using the wrong products, hormonal changes, etc. Whatever the causes is, it still remains urgency for the sufferers to get rid of acne.

Contrary to popular belief, acne can be treated using natural and gentle products, without the use of harsh treatments and chemicals. As a matter of fact, it is best to treat your acne with natural products. The trick is to find the best acne product that is suitable for you and works.

There are some points to take note of when treating acne.

1. Use a gentle cleanser that is made for acne skin. As cleansing is a very important part of treating acne, you want to use a product that is made specifically for acne treatment and at the same time, is gentle.

2. Have a healthy diet and drink lots of water. There are herbal supplements that are made specifically to treat acne. This work by clearing up toxins from within so that ensures a clean up on your acne as well. One of the best acne products on the market for this is the Clear pores system.

3. Keep your face clean and don't pick on your acne. This is one of the worst things you can do. By picking on the acne, it may cause acne scarring which is another problem you will have to deal with.

The best way to treat acne and keep it under control is to use a natural acne treatment system daily.

Are you looking for acne treatments that actually work? For reviews on Top Acne Treatments that are safe and effective, CLICK HERE

Angela Neo is lifestyle writer and internet marketer. She has written on numerous online publications on subjects like fitness, weight loss, fashion, skincare and lifestyle. She runs a website on natural acne cure at

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Friday, 16 May 2008

Keeping It Clean - The Best Cleaners For Teenage Acne

For the acne sufferer, finding the right facial cleanser is an important step if reducing the problem. With so many products out there, however, the right cleanser can be hard to find. There are literally hundreds of skin care products that are advertised to be the best. Unfortunately there is no best product for everyone and without the right one for you; teenage acne can become an even larger problem than it already is.

As an esthetician myself, who often works with parents and teens for solutions to various skin problems, one question I hear often is, what is the best cleaner for teenage acne? The short answer to that is, there is no best cure. There are great products out there. But, the truth is that what worked for one teen acne sufferer, won't always produce the same results for the next

To help you out, I have developed this guide to choosing the right facial cleansers. The right cleaning products can mean the difference between reducing teenage acne and aggravating the problem. A good cleanser will get to the root of the problem; not just provide a quick fix solution.

Teenage Acne Cleansers to Avoid Before we talk about which cleaners may work, let's discuss those that don't. Some of the bad products out there can have negative effects on your skins overall health. Even when they seem like they are working the effects they have below the surface may make your acne worse in the long run. There are two main types of cleansing products to avoid.

  • Alcohol Based Cleansers: Many so-called acne treatments contain large amounts of alcohol, and other chemical agents. They may come in the form of cleansing pads, spot treatments, or wash products. The unfortunate thing is that these cleansers may work for a time. It's unfortunate because, if you knew what these products were really doing to your skin, you likely wouldn't buy them.

    An alcohol based cleans dries out the skin (sometimes to the point of injury the skin itself). It may provide a quick fix to reducing your acne problem for a short time, but when you quit using the product you should expect your acne to come back three-fold. Even worse, the longer you use this type of product the more injury and irritation you are causing to your skin.

  • Chemical Cleansers That Also Claim to Moisturize: The next type of cleanser to look out for is the acne products that also claim to moisturize. Unless the product is sold as a two part system, with a cleanser and a moisturizer, the claim to moisturize likely means that oils have been added to the cleanser. This can actually make your acne worse. Cleanser is for cleaning and moisturizer if for moisturizing. It is difficult to make a product that effectively does both.

Things to Look For in Cleaners for Teenage Acne The best facial cleansers are actually natural cleansers that don't contain a lot of chemical problems. A non-abrasive green tea facial scrub, for example, may be a good choice. For many people these more expensive products aren't an option.

If you are going to use a department store cleanser, then the reality of it is that, there is no definitive product that will work for everyone. There are, however, some things to look for that are beneficial in reducing teenage acne problems.

When you're reading that package in the department store, look for these terms.

  • Oil Free: Since the oil in your skin is part of the problem in the first place, it stands to reason that cleaning products that are oil free will be better in reducing teenage acne.
  • Non-irritating: Products that cause irritation can increase the problem. The health of your skin is important to beginning to reduce acne problems. Dry, irritated skin is less effective at healing.
  • Non-Comedogenic (doesn't promote acne): This term is especially important if you are looking at products that aren't acne specific. You won't be doing yourself any favors if you choose a comedogenic product that furthers your acne problem.

Conclusion There is no such thing as one product that will work for everyone. In many cases there are recommended steps to reducing acne. Our own teenage acne product, for example, can be a great start in reducing teenage acne problems. When it comes to facial cleansers, at least, you now have a general guide to sorting through all of the ads, and finding one that will work for you.

About the Author
Johanna Curtis is a licensed skin care professional (esthetician), who works with parents and teens in their struggles with teenage acne. She is the creator of ; a site created to support those with acne problems. Johanna suggests natural products as the best teenage acne products

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