Acne of any kind is a terrible thing. If it occurs in a concealed area, which are covered by our daily wear, then it doesn't affect our aesthetic sensibilities much, except for when we go to the gym or to the beach.
Back acne and the sun are scarcely compatible as under those circumstances, it may be quite traumatic to expose your far from perfect, acne ridden skin. There are three major kinds of acne, namely white-heads, black-heads, and large acne of the cystic kind, which go deep inside the skin. Back acne, which can be quite irritating and painful, can be difficult to cure. All three kinds of acne can occur on the back.
As the skin on the back of our torsos are more tough than most parts of our body, it is more prone to acne as the tougher skin produces more oil as it has thousands of sebaceous glands running under it. The excess of oil produced leads to a severe acne which is more severe than acne on the face and may result in large cysts and nodules as well which can cause a lot of pain in and around the acne ridden spots.
Many people think that the sun can cure acne, because if you expose the acne to the sun it will often dry out. While the sun can provide some temporary relief, it will only make acne worse in the long run.
When the acne is exposed to the sun the skin gets dried out and therefore to combat the drying out, the body produces more oil which when trying to seep out, clogs up near the hair follicles and clogged hair follicles are a sure fire route to acne. Back acne and the sun are scarcely the best of friends.
Not only will you make your acne worse, but over exposure to the sun's UV rays can lead to other terrible skin conditions
Therefore whenever you do go out and you are likely to be exposed to the skin, you are advised to wear light protective clothing in order to shield your skin from the harsh effects of the solar rays. If you have acne you should always protect your skin by wearing a strong grade of sunscreen.
There are many was to cure back acne, but exposing it to the sun is not one of them.
If you are tired of searching for a way to cure your back acne...only to find products only made for curing face acne then you're in luck! I have found a solution that is specifically designed to cure back acne fast. Click here to learn how to Clear Up Back Acne for good!
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