Friday, 22 August 2008

Acne Causing Foods And Foods That Help Cure Acne

The foods that you eat can be a contributing factor in acne flare-ups. Knowing which foods to avoid will help. Conversely, knowing which foods are good for you will also help you avoid acne.

Scientists have created endorphin-like substances from the proteins in wheat, milk, barley and corn and have shown that they are associated to the body's endorphins sites. If you think that it happens to you, then think of that food which you can't resist. You may be sensitive to that food. When you stop eating them, you may not feel well for a few days before feeling better.

It is important to know that food sensitivities are not the main cause of skin problems, but they could be making your skin worse.

You can determine which food allergies you have with the help of a nutritionist or other health practitioner or try the recommendation below.
There are many reasons behind food sensitivities; lack of digestive enzymes, leaky gut, frequent intake of gut irritants (such as chemicals, coffee and alcohol), lowered immunity or an over-proliferation of 'bad' bacteria in the gut.

It is necessary to find out which food is the culprit. Once you find out which food is causing you problems, then you can eliminate them or deal with the consequences from the suspect food.

The suspected food should be eliminated for at least two weeks. From the following list, avoid one food at a time:

Wheat products: like bread, most cereals, pasta, pizza, biscuits, muffins, cakes, pastries and pies

Diary products: like cheese, yoghurt or from age frais

Eggs and egg containing products

Cheese, yoghurt or from age frais

High acid fruit, orange juice, oranges, tangerines, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries

Processed foods which contains preservatives, coloring and artificial flavoring

When you avoid above food or food group, observe your skin condition. After two weeks, reintroduce that food and monitor your skin condition. If you feel that your skin is negatively affected, then start avoiding that food, otherwise resume eating it. When you have finished with one food group then start the next food in the same way.

After avoiding all but basic foods for a month, re-introduce food one by one with five day gap before re-introducing next one. In this way you will find out that which food causes an allergic reaction. Charting your food as you reintroduce it into your diet is a good way to track which foods are causing reactions. The chart should contain the dates of starting to reintroduce new foods and when you began showing reactions.

If you begin showing a reaction to a particular food, then avoid that food for another six months. After six months re-test it by eating it again and monitor it again. During that avoidance time you should improve your digestive and immune system to minimize the chances of being sensitive to such foods.

Food that should be included in your diet:

Vegetables except potatoes, tomatoes and sweet corn which are on the 'suspect' list

Fruits such as melons and cantaloupe

Rice, millet, buckwheat and quinoa

Oats, rye and barley (some people may be allergic to gluten)

Fresh meats and fish

Beans and lentils (soy may cause an allergic reaction in some people)

By: Melanie Vasseur

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