Sunday, 1 March 2009

Traditional Chinese Herbs For Treating Acne Problems

Most people would not likely want to use conventional medication if it comes to health problems. There are also many people who believe that drugs are a form of poison and that taking natural treatments is the best option, especially if the problem happens to be that of acne. Traditional Chinese herbs are effective in treating acne and other skin related problems. Other reasons to avoid using conventional medications are that there is always an attendant risk of suffering from side effects.

Chinese Thinking

Traditional Chinese herbs are a result of the Chinese way of thinking in which it is believed that there is a pressing need to possess both sound mind and soul and of course, a sound body as well. Having already given the world acupuncture, Chinese people are in a good position to provide further relief to the world through their wonderful traditional Chinese herbs.

In fact, studies have shown that traditional Chinese herbs can effectively cure acne and among the more useful herbs that you need to check out as far as treating acne are Neem, honeysuckle, chaste tree berry and yellow dock.

With regard to different traditional Chinese herbs, Neem is one of the better such herbs that are known to possess anti-inflammatory properties which are definitely going to help people that happen to be suffering from acne, which is characterized by inflammation.

Another useful traditional Chinese herb is the Chaste tree berry, which has the particular property of being able to stimulate pituitary glands that produce oil. On the other hand, honeysuckle is another one of the better traditional Chinese herbs, which has the ability to detoxify the body and this it does through making a person perspire.

The list of traditional Chinese herbs can go on and on, though one herb that requires to be mentioned is Burdock root seed, which has the ability to cleanse out the blood and it is also able to detoxify the body and provides anti-inflammatory benefits as well. Among other traditional Chinese herbs that need to be mentioned names such as dandelion root, chamomile and sarsaparilla and milk thistle are worth checking out. These herbs will certainly prove to be the right option when you need to treat an acne problem.

Once you have decided to use traditional Chinese herbs for your acne condition, it is then necessary for you to use them with extreme caution and to choose particular herbs after having done some research beforehand. It is also necessary to differentiate herbs and spices, even if the differences are not too pronounced.

About The Author:
Andy Immotna has been maintaining a number of premium membership websites that constantly provides members with highly valuable information - from internet marketing to niche topics. Also visit for more resources.