The maternal chemicals or hormones that cross the placenta throughout delivery and stimulate the sebaceous glands of the baby cause baby acne. These hormones later on irritate the oil glands of the baby and cause pimple-like bumps all over the baby's skin. Additional reasons behind baby acne can include any medications the baby may be on, or any medications a nursing mother may be taking. Usually baby acne takes place on the baby's face, chin, neck, and back. Baby acne typically seems such as a pimple or whitehead and is surrounded by reddish skin.
Baby acne usually can emerge anytime between the time of delivery and three weeks of age. It has been reported that male babies are more prone to baby acne than female babies; however, it does take place in both sexes. Usually baby acne appears itself by the age of four months. Baby acne never goes away any scars on the baby's skin, though this can be extremely irritating and itchy for the baby. Baby acne can be treated extremely simply. It is advised to the parents to wash quietly the baby's face with a mild soap and water at least once a day. Parents should not scrub the baby's skin and forever pat it dry in place of rubbing. As well parents should certain not to over-wash the skin of the baby over. Parents have to remain in mind that baby acne is not caused by dirt, so over-washing can annoy it more. It is also suggested to the parents to avoid applying any type of lotions or oils to the baby's skin, as these products could possible worsen the baby acne problem.
Moreover, washing anything like cloth toys or any objects that the baby may come in contact with, including the baby's blankets, towels and bed linens in a mild detergent is also important. If baby acne appears severe, some pediatricians will suggest over-the-counter drugs like hydrocortisone lotion, to treat the skin condition. The most effective over-the-counter dealing with baby acne is really the ionic colloidal silver solution. It is greatly safer than other skin care creams and kills the bacteria that can cause baby acne. Also the ionic colloidal silver solution can promote healthy skin growth with natural glow and decrease the uncomfortable itching caused by baby acne.
It is most important that parents do not use any over-the-counter medications for adult or teenage acne problems on the baby's skin. These types of medications are too strong for the baby's tender skin and can even further worsen or irritate the baby acne. The happening of baby acne is not inevitably determined by a family olden time of acne. Baby acne problem is simply a hormonal reaction within the baby's body shortly after birth of the baby's internal chemical reacting to maternal hormones.