Tuesday, 23 June 2009

How To Get Clear Skin - Discover The Amazing Secret To Stopping Breakouts In Record Time

Are you as sick of all the drug companies getting pretty actresses to promote their latest product for how to get clear skin as I am? For years I had to deal with breakouts and I was always keeping an eye out for new ways for how to get clear skin. Often products would work superbly for a time. Or they'd make my skin look horrible, and my dermatologist would tell me to hang in there when I begged him to try something else. Some time later he would shrug and say "Ok we'll try something different" when it finally became obvious even to him that it wasn't working.

"Thanks! How long did you go to school for that fantastic advice!?"

Well my duty here right now is to inform you that I not only found a way how to get clear skin, but I also found how to keep it clear forever. I don't have to keep slathering tons of chemicals on my skin, nor do I bother with doctos or worry about terrible side effects. This method is truly so amazing that most people won't even believe it's real. The experts don't want to share this information because they refuse to believe what research has shown because they're to busy getting huge commission royalties from the drug companies.

Were you aware that we have more than 300 chemicals inside of us that didn't exist half a century ago? Food companies stuff their products with useless filler in order to make their food taste better so we keep eating it, which also raises their profit margins.

Second, as much as the so called experts try to discredit it, there are many proven studies that breakouts do in fact start inside of our bodies and is directly attributed to hormones. I can't comprehend the thought process that experts use when they claim that hormone production throughout teenaged years is what causes breakouts and then they say the only way how to get clear skin is to use chemicals that further upset our balance.Frankly, it makes no sense to me.

Every single day, we put an ever increasing amount of chemicals into our bodies through the foods we eat and then we are informed that to stop breakouts, we have to use even more more chemicals. To make matters even more dire, the chemical treatments only treat acne symptoms which just keep coming back, so we have to keep purchasing the products to become clear. Really, I think they just want to keep us uninformed about how to get clear skin so they can just keep making us buy stuff.

If you don't realize it at this point, you can completely cure yourself of your acne by getting rid of these excess hormones. Even better is that this can work for anyone no matter what kind of acne they suffer from.

You have to avoid the list of common acne aggravator foods. These foods affect our organs and it's these foods that make the hormones to be made in the first place. Foods like dairy, red meat, white carbs, refined sugar, hydrogenated oils, and anything overly processed. Our bodies simply aren't made to break these down properly and they toss our systems out of whack. The only course of action for how to get clear skin is to cast out the toxins that these foods have introduced into our bodies over time.

Acne sufferers are constantly told the same bad advice like wash daily or that excess oil clogs pores and creates breakouts. This advice has never yielded good results, but the experts just keep saying it like robots. Once you start treating the real issues that induce acne, you'll see it's the only way how to get clear skin.

The only way how to get clear skin is to take care of the concrete issues inside of you. The events that combine to cause acne breakouts are first caused because of excessive hormones. Once you get rid of the hormones, everything else will stop and you won't have any more breakouts.

Once you finally clear away all the myths and flat out lies surrounding acne treatments, it's easy to discover the best way how to get clear skin involves a more holistic approach. Take this approach to finally get that clear skin that you deserve.