Monday, 25 May 2009

Three Non Chemical Cures To Your Acne Problems

Acne can be catastrophic to the way you feel. Left untreated, the acne will spread like wildfire all over your face and you neck. Not only will acne give you horrible shiny pimples while it’s there, the acne might also make permanent scars that will never go away.

Luckily, you can cure acne if you look at the problem in the right way. First of all, you have to avoid all the chemicals that the medical companies try to sell you. Most of it doesn’t work and most of it is very, very expensive.

What you have to do instead is to focus the problem in a purely natural way. Your acne does come from natural developments in your body, so the solution must also be natural – there is no need for chemicals here.

Natural solutions to your acne problem can for example be to use ice packs on the acne infected parts for two minutes. This will lower the swell and make the pimples go away faster. Do remember to only use ice packs for two minutes and to place some cloth between the ice pack and your face.

Another solution is to use garlic because of the way it fights bacteria. Simply use garlic on the acne infected areas and then remove it again using hot water. Do remember to consider the smell, as you probably know most people think garlic smells rather horrible.

A third solution is to drink lots of water. This will remove the toxics from your body in a purely natural way, so the bad things that are believed to cause acne are removed from your body as fast.

If you want to know more, you can learn much more about acne and how to get rid of acne in the ebook Acne Free in 3 Days by Chris Gibson. Within its pages you will read what probably is the very best solution to your acne problems.

By: Ronald Jensen

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