Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Acne Vitamin a Uses & Side Effects

What is vitamin A? Vitamin A like the other vitamins, is beneficial for your health and your eyesight. It contains anti-oxidant properties, destroys free radicals in your system, and maintains youth.

How does vitamin A help to cure acne? Ironically, it is done literally through the side effects of vitamin A! The side effects of vitamin A are drying / peeling of the skin, that is why when you take retinoids (derivatives of vitamin A) orally / topically, the sebum (oil) on your face is dried up, its production is also reduced, thus preventing formation of acne due to excess oil piling up. Another main cause of acne is blocked sebaceous glands. Once the top skin layer begins peeling, the pores open up (can breathe). This also effectively cures acne.

Now for some simple term names to remember. Vitamin A itself is called retinol. Its derivatives are called retinoids. Just like in movies when you see pseudo-humans you call them humanoids, they are derived. Isotretinoin is the most famous retinoid, it being the ingredient that led to the formation of Accutane / Nimegen etc. Other derivatives are also quite popular namely, tretinoin, adapalene (Differin Gel), tazarotene.

Up till now you understand that the side effects of vitamin A is GOOD! However, there are also bad side effects! Excess use of it causes a huge number of side effects such as rosacea (redness), itch, acne breakouts, headaches, nausea, and more. The worst of them all is birth defects in pregnant women using vitamin A derivatives. Pregnant women should never use them.

The recommended dietary allowance of vitamin A per day for adult males and females is 3,000 IU/day. Importantly, the tolerable upper limit for an adult should not be more than 10,000 IU/day. There is really no reason to take vitamin A derivatives in high amounts because studies shown that small dosages work just as good!

Alwyn Tan is a successful webmaster and publisher of many home remedies for acne and other critical information to clear up your face! His website is!

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