Tired of browsing websites and clicking on every single link or flipping through pages of books and magazine to discover the main culprit behind your acne? Well, here's an update for you - till date neither the science of human health nor technology could successfully define the exact cause/ causes behind the formation of acne. However, extensive research work centering round this particular domain - acne, has revealed a few factors contributing to the formation of acne, and one of the prime factors being related to the hormonal changes in both males and females. Read on further to discover the possible causes of acne.....
Hormonal changes-
A hormonal change during adolescence is a very common issue and is one of the prime factors of acne formation. Androgen hormones are present in people of either sex; during adolescence is particular group of hormones become active and starts to stimulate the oil glands in your skin, thus increasing oil production. This in turn clogs the skin ducts and gives rise to pimples, acne and blackheads. Hormonal changes may also occur with the consumption of birth control pills, or in case of chain consumers if they stop the intake of those pills all of a sudden.
Washing your face constantly-
Too much water splashing over your face affects the skin texture and subsequently leads the acne to flare-up. Yes, it is important that you take good care and follow a regular cleansing regimen, but then again too much of anything is always harmful. Wash your face, but not at regular intervals.
Although not yet medically tested or proven, yet dermatologists feel that intake of too much junk food and chocolates coupled with allergies to specific food substance contribute generously to acne formation.
What you don't know yet- I know that what I am about to reveal to you can be almost impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth! Do you know what you can cure any sort of acne within 3 days? Seems impossible right? Well see for yourself follow this link- Click Here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rahul_Talwar