Although, the reason for the occurrence of acne is still a subject of further research, the condition of the surface of the skin dramatically plays a major role in developing acne. At some places, the pores in the skin cave in to block the oil from escaping that give rise to inflammation to cause pimples. This discovery has led to the establishment of a billion dollar industry manufacturing different kinds of skin cleansers and lotions to cure acne. These products are meant to break up the white-head pimples to drain out the pus. However, the healing skin turns into black head acne at those spots. Such skin cleansers are also used as a preventive measure to clear any blockage in the pores to discourage the formation of pimples. However, most of such cleansers available in the market contain one or the other chemical to deep-cleanse the pores. No doubt, they do their work effectively for some time to prevent or cure acne, but their extended use damages the skin by drying it up of the essential oils resulting in losing its freshness and shine. For your acne cure at home, homemade cleansing milk for acne can give wonderful results without any of the bad effects on your skin. It is not difficult to make such kind of cleansing milk for acne at home, but you will need to prepare the cleansing milk for your acne cure at home every week because it loses its effectiveness after a few days as it does not contain any chemical or preservative.
You need only a few things easily available at every grocery store to make the cleanser. The first and the foremost ingredient is the plain organic yogurt that you can get from a food or grocery store and it is better because it is processed under a set period of time to maintain live culture. Alternatively, you can make the yogurt at home with the precaution that the organic milk you use should be tepid warm before you put a few drops of curd into it. If it is too hot, the yogurt will be ropy and without any live culture. The tepid warm milk will not turn into yogurt until you put it in some warm place overnight or put it in a container duly covered with a lid under a blanket. Take ½ cup of this yogurt and beat it to make a fine paste. Then add one teaspoon of lemon juice, 3-4 drops of essential oil and one teaspoon of vitamin E oil. This will be excellent homemade cleansing milk for acne for your acne cure cure at home.
You should soak a ball of cotton into this cleanser and then apply it on the face, neck and other affected parts of the skin. Keep it for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Take a clean and soft towel to dry up the skin. The application of this homemade cleansing milk for acne will be perfect for your acne cure at home.