Scars left behind by acne can be a major facial blemish that can cause many an awkward moment. If you are looking for ways on how to get rid of acne scars, then you should know that these days, there are all kinds of procedures that experts can perform to remove the scars.
Way back, the main procedure used when it comes to getting rid of these ugly marks is called dermabrasion which is a method of scraping off the damaged top layer of the skin by way of sanding. This ancient method on how to get rid of acne scars is painful so local anesthesia is needed before the procedure is done. Even afterwards, the skin remains raw and painful and the patient still needs to wait a few months for new, unmarked skin to grow back.
Thankfully, modern procedures on how to get rid of acne scars that are being used today do not involve that much pain. There are chemicals now that are being used by experts to remove these unwanted marks and these chemicals cause the skin to blister and then simply peel off. Aside from these chemical peelers, other techniques being used now involve punch replacement grafting and soft tissue filling.
Laser techniques are also used in procedures on how to get rid of acne scars and experts can complete the operation without drawing blood and causing any pain. No wonder a lot of people prefer to go for this procedure though it is costlier than other methods.
Laser procedures on how to get rid of acne scars involve surgeons utilizing a laser hand piece burn off the scarred skin cells. This object is so precise that it enables the surgeon to work only on the affected tissues. He can also judge the depth of which the laser penetrates so that the whole affected area is burned off which will be replaced by new skin.
There are two kinds of laser being used in procedures on how to get rid of acne scars:
1. The carbon dioxide (CO2) laser which can vaporize damaged skin layer by layer with its high-energy and highly focused light. Methods on how to get rid of acne scars using this type of laser have very few side effects.
2. The erbium laser which has a very precise wavelength that when used to penetrate the skin, moisture on the skin absorbs its energy making the heat from the laser scatter without affecting normal skin.
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